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I am developing a Test board which using the CY7C65215-32LTXI for USB-I2C interface. I wrote a the I2C driver based on the Example from the USB-Serial-SDK. It works fine up until I connected 2 Cypress FX3 Devices. If 2 Cypress FX3 Devices is present in the system, the CyOpen (From the USB Serial API) will fail in opening the Device. Other occurence, CyOpen can access the CY7C65215-32LTXI, but then if I will try to I2C write to the slave following Failure will occure: CY_ERROR_REQUEST_FAILED.

Is there anything wrong I am doing in creating the I2C driver? The FX3 chipset is used by Passmark Loopback USB 3 Dongle. Below is my code for the i2c_driver:


## Cypress USB-Serial Windows Example source file (i2cmaster.cpp)

## ===========================


##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2013-2014,

##  All Rights Reserved






##  Use of this file is governed

##  by the license agreement included in the file


##     <install>/license/license.txt


##  where <install> is the Cypress software

##  installation root directory path.


## ===========================


// i2cmaster.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.


#include "stdafx.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include <windows.h>

#include <dbt.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include "C:\Users\jordy.susanto\Documents\USB-Serial SDK\library\cyusbserial\CyUSBSerial.h"

/** ****************

Data Definitions

*** **************** */    

// Define VID & PID

// These numbers depends on individual products

#define VID 0x04B4

#define PID 0x000A

//Variable to store cyHandle of the selected device

CY_HANDLE cyHandle2;

//Varible to capture return values from USB Serial API

CY_RETURN_STATUS cyReturnStatus;

//CY_DEVICE_INFO provides additional details of each device such as product Name, serial number etc..

CY_DEVICE_INFO cyDeviceInfo, cyDeviceInfoList[16];

//Structure to store VID & PID defined in CyUSBSerial.h

CY_VID_PID cyVidPid;

//Variables used by application

UINT8 cyNumDevices;

unsigned char deviceID[16];

/** ****************


*** **************** */    


Function Name: CY_RETURN_STATUS I2CMaster(int deviceNumber)

Purpose: Demonstates how to communicate with I2C EEPROM connected on USB Serial DVK

- Demonstrates how to set/get configuration of I2C device

- Demonstrates how to perform read/write operations


deviceNumber - The device number identified during the enumeration process

Retrun Code: returns falure code of USB-Serial API


int _httoi(const TCHAR* value)


struct CHexMap


TCHAR chr;

int value;


const int HexMapL = 16;

CHexMap HexMap[HexMapL] =


  {'0', 0}, {'1', 1},

  {'2', 2}, {'3', 3},

  {'4', 4}, {'5', 5},

  {'6', 6}, {'7', 7},

  {'8', 8}, {'9', 9},

  {'A', 10}, {'B', 11},

  {'C', 12}, {'D', 13},

  {'E', 14}, {'F', 15}


TCHAR* mstr = _tcsupr(_tcsdup(value));

TCHAR* s = mstr;

int result = 0;

if (*s == '0' && *(s + 1) == 'X') s += 2;

bool firsttime = true;

while (*s != '\0')


bool found = false;

for (int i = 0; i < HexMapL; i++)


if (*s == HexMap.chr)


if (!firsttime) result <<= 4;

result |= HexMap.value;

found = true;




if (!found) break;


firsttime = false;



return result;


int I2CMaster(int deviceNumber, int address, int reg_address, int MSB, int LSB)


    CY_I2C_CONFIG cyI2CConfig;

    CY_DATA_BUFFER cyDatabuffer;       

    CY_I2C_DATA_CONFIG cyI2CDataConfig;


    int interfaceNum = 0;

    unsigned char bufferWrite[3], bufferRead[2];

    // Configure the I2C

    cyI2CDataConfig.isStopBit = true;

    cyI2CDataConfig.slaveAddress = address;


    //Open the device at deviceNumber

    rStatus = CyOpen (deviceNumber, interfaceNum, &cyHandle2);

if (rStatus != CY_SUCCESS)


printf("I2C Device open failed... %d \n", rStatus);


return rStatus;


    // Get configuration

    // Set configuration

    // I2C Read/Write operations

    int success = 0, rsuccess = 0, rfailure = 0, failure = 0, length, index;   

    int i2cComplete = 0, intError = 0;

    // Page size of I2C on DVK is 64-bytes

    // Total length = length + 3 command bytes

    // Initialize the write buffer to 0xAA       

    //The first two bytes of the buffer are page address of I2C       

    bufferWrite[0]= reg_address; //MSB of the page address

    bufferWrite[1] = MSB;

bufferWrite[2] = LSB;// LSB of page address, set to 0 as this applicate attempts to write at page boundery

    //Initialize the CY_DATA_BUFFER variable

    cyDatabuffer.buffer = bufferWrite;

    //Initialize the CY_I2C_DATA_CONFIG variable

    cyI2CDataConfig.isStopBit = true;

    cyDatabuffer.length = 3;

rStatus = CyI2cReset(cyHandle2, 1);

if (rStatus != CY_SUCCESS) {

printf("%d", rStatus);


return rStatus;


    rStatus = CyI2cWrite (cyHandle2, &cyI2CDataConfig, &cyDatabuffer, 5000);

    if (rStatus != CY_SUCCESS){

rStatus = CyI2cReset(cyHandle2, 1);

if (rStatus != CY_SUCCESS) {

printf("%d", rStatus);


return rStatus;


printf("%d", rStatus);


        return rStatus;


    // Peform I2C Read operation

    // Initialize read buffer to zeros

    //Initialize the CY_DATA_BUFFER variable to point to Read Buffer

    //We are interested to read all the data written.

    cyDatabuffer.buffer = bufferRead;

cyDatabuffer.length = 2;

    //Initialize the CY_I2C_DATA_CONFIG variable

    cyI2CDataConfig.isStopBit = true;

    cyI2CDataConfig.isNakBit = true;

    intError = 0;

    rStatus = CyI2cRead (cyHandle2, &cyI2CDataConfig, &cyDatabuffer, 5000);

if (rStatus != CY_SUCCESS) {

rStatus = CyI2cReset(cyHandle2, 1);

if (rStatus != CY_SUCCESS) {

printf("%d", rStatus);


return rStatus;


printf("%d", rStatus);


return rStatus;


    //Data verification phase

printf("%d\n", bufferRead[0]);

printf("%d", bufferRead[1]);

    // Close the handle to I2C device

    return CyClose(cyHandle2);



Function Name: int FindDeviceAtSCB0()

Purpose: Demonstates how to enumerate and find device from the list of devices.

- Demonstrates how to use deviceBlock member in DEVICE_INFO structure            

Arguments: None

Retrun Code: returns -1, if no device is present or deviceIndex of the device.


int FindDeviceAtSCB0()


CY_VID_PID cyVidPid;

cyVidPid.vid = VID; //Defined as macro

cyVidPid.pid = PID; //Defined as macro

//Array size of cyDeviceInfoList is 16

cyReturnStatus = CyGetDeviceInfoVidPid(cyVidPid, deviceID, (PCY_DEVICE_INFO)& cyDeviceInfoList, &cyNumDevices, 16);

int deviceIndexAtSCB0 = -1;

for (int index = 0; index < cyNumDevices; index++) {

// Find the device at device index at SCB0

if (cyDeviceInfoList[index].deviceBlock == SerialBlock_SCB1 && cyDeviceInfoList[index].deviceType[0] == 3)


deviceIndexAtSCB0 = index;



return deviceIndexAtSCB0;


/** ********************************

Application main() function

*** ******************************** */    

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


int address, reg_address, MSB, LSB;

address = _httoi(argv[1]);

reg_address = _httoi(argv[2]);

MSB = _httoi(argv[3]);

LSB = _httoi(argv[4]);


    //1. SCB0 is configured as I2C

    int deviceIndexAtSCB0 = FindDeviceAtSCB0();

    //Open the device at deviceIndexAtSCB0

    if (deviceIndexAtSCB0 >= 0)


        //Assuming that device at index is I2C device

        //Device Open, Close, Configuration, Data operations are handled in the function I2CMaster

        int status = I2CMaster(deviceIndexAtSCB0, address, reg_address, MSB, LSB);

        if (status == CY_SUCCESS)








        } //cyNumDevices > 0 && cyReturnStatus == CY_SUCCESS

    return 0;


Could be a interference between the USB Serial Driver API and the FX3 API?

Thank you for the support

1 Solution
750 replies posted 500 replies posted 250 solutions authored


The devices may enumerate with a different device number when multiple cypress devices are connected. The device numbers of these devices will be stored in a  deviceID list. So, when multiple cypress devices are connected to the same host the the ordering of the device numbers in the deciceID list may be different.

Please replace "deviceIndexAtSCB0 = index" with "deviceIndexAtSCB0 = deviceID[index]" in the code.

Best Regards,


View solution in original post

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