store measured values in CSV and output chart - PSOC 5LP

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Hello everybody,

I am still a noobie here and hope that you can help me :-).

I have written a program in which I determine a voltage drop (ADC converter) via a shunt resistor, then calculate the current for me and then output the measured value via HTerm.

Now I would like to have the readings displayed in a stream-time diagram and, optimally, store the values in a .csv or .xls.

I would like it if the Excel list looks like this:

DateTimeVoltage Ush [mV]Current Ipv [mA}



The final version would be to average every minute over a measurement and then every five minutes to average the previous average. So that a value is output every 5 minutes.

So should be the diagram that every 5 minutes a new value is displayed.

Thank you very much and sunny greetings from Germany

1 Solution
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Well, after the previous post of mine, I found the following URL

So I tweaked a little,




For the fast result, I set Interval = 1, but for 5 minutes interval, please make it to 300,

Meantime if you have live RTC, you don't have to call set_date_time() function.

but for the realistic time, I added this function. (I was younger in 1970 😉


#include "project.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#include "date_time.h"

#define STR_LEN 32

#define RX_BUF_LEN 128

#define SPACE ' '

#define TAB '\t'

#define CR  '\r'

#define LF  '\n'

volatile uint32_t unix_time = 0 ;

volatile int      pit_flag = 0 ;

volatile char    rx_buf[RX_BUF_LEN] ;

volatile int      rx_write_index = 0 ;

int              rx_read_index = 0 ;

char              str[STR_LEN+1] ; /* print buffer */

int              str_index = 0 ;

inline int        is_delimiter(uint8_t c) ;

void              print(char *str) ;

void              init_hardware(void) ;

void              splash(void) ;

int              get_string(char *str) ;

void              prompt(void) ;

int              year    = 2019 ;

int              month  = 05 ;

int              day    = 16 ;

int              hours  = 8;

int              minutes = 32;

int              seconds = 36 ;

float            R_value = 4700 ; /* 4.7 k ohm for place holder */



    uart_rx_int_ClearPending() ;

    if (UART_GetRxBufferSize()) {

        rx_buf[rx_write_index] = UART_GetByte() ;

        rx_write_index = (rx_write_index + 1) % RX_BUF_LEN ;





    timer_int_ClearPending() ;

    Timer_ReadStatusRegister() ;

    unix_time++ ;

    pit_flag = 1 ;


void set_date_time(void)


    DateTime date_time ;

    print("Enter Date (YYYY/MM/DD) > ") ;

    while(get_string(str) <= 0) ;

    sscanf(str, "%d/%d/%d", &year, &month, &day) ;

    print("Enter Time (hh:mm:ss) > ") ;

    while(get_string(str) <= 0) ;

    sscanf(str, "%d:%d:%d", &hours, &minutes, &seconds) ;

    date_time.year    = year ;

    date_time.month  = month - 1 ; /* unix time, month is 0~11 instead of 1~12 orz */    = day ;

    date_time.hours  = hours ;

    date_time.minutes = minutes ;

    date_time.seconds = seconds ;

    unix_time = convertDateToUnixTime(&date_time) ;


void measure(float *mV, float *mA)


    int16_t adc_count ;

    ADC_StartConvert() ;

    ADC_IsEndConversion(ADC_WAIT_FOR_RESULT) ;

    adc_count = ADC_GetResult16(0) ; /* channel 0 */

    *mV = (float)ADC_CountsTo_mVolts(adc_count) ;

    *mA = *mV / R_value ;


void print_csv_title(void)


    print("Date, Time, Voltage Ush[mV], Current lpv[mA]\n") ;


void print_csv(float mV, float mA)


    DateTime date_time ;

    convertUnixTimeToDate(unix_time, &date_time) ;

    sprintf(str, "%d.%02d.%4d, ",,

        date_time.month + 1,

        date_time.year) ;

    print(str) ;


    sprintf(str, "%02d:%02d:%02d, ",



        date_time.seconds ) ;

    print(str) ;


    sprintf(str, "%d.%04d, ",

        (int)mV, (int)(mV * 10000) % 10000) ;

    print(str) ;


    sprintf(str, "%d.%04d\n",

        (int)mA, (int)(mA * 10000) % 10000) ;

    print(str) ;


int main(void)


    float mV, mA ;

    uint32_t count = 0 ;

    uint32_t interval = 1 ; //  300 ; /* 5 minutes */


    int period = 0 ;


    init_hardware() ;


    splash() ;


    sprintf(str, "Interval = %d sec\n", interval) ;

    print(str) ;

    set_date_time() ;


    print_csv_title() ;

    for(;;) {

        if (pit_flag) { /* timer interrupt occurred */

            pit_flag = 0 ;

            count++ ;

            if (count >= interval) {

                count = 0 ;

                measure(&mV, &mA) ;

                print_csv(mV, mA) ;





inline int is_delimiter(uint8_t c)


    int result = 0 ;

    switch(c) {

    case CR:

    case LF:

    case TAB:

    case SPACE:

        result = c ;

        break ;


    return( result ) ;


void init_hardware(void)


    UART_ClearRxBuffer() ;

    uart_rx_int_ClearPending() ;

    uart_rx_int_StartEx(uart_rx_isr) ;

    UART_Start() ;


    timer_int_ClearPending() ;

    timer_int_StartEx(timer_isr) ;

    Timer_ReadStatusRegister() ;

    Timer_Start() ;


    ADC_Start() ;


    CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Enable global interrupts. */


void splash(void)


    sprintf(str, "\nTimer Test (%s %s)\n", __DATE__, __TIME__) ;

    print(str) ;


void print(char *str)


    UART_PutString(str) ;


void prompt(void)


    print("> ") ;


int get_string(char str[])


    int result = 0 ;

    static int str_index = 0 ;


    if (rx_read_index != rx_write_index) {

        if (is_delimiter(rx_buf[rx_read_index])) {

            str[str_index] = 0 ;

            str_index = 0 ;

            result = 1 ;

        } else {

            str[str_index] = rx_buf[rx_read_index] ;

            str_index++ ;

            if (str_index >= STR_LEN) {

                str[STR_LEN] = 0 ;

                str_index = 0 ;

                result = -1 ;



        rx_read_index = (rx_read_index + 1) % RX_BUF_LEN ;


    return( result ) ;



Tera Term log


Serial Plot Settings

After disconnecting Tera Term,

Data Format


Plot (Note: I unchecked date and time )


The displayed result


Getting log from Tera Term

After disconnecting Serial Plot

Select Menu: File > Log ...


Specify log file

It can be anywhere in your system with any name, but I chose log_190616.csv


After logged a little I stopped Tera Term then located and opened the log file


Excel showed following (I adjusted the width of columns)


Attached is my sample project using CY8CKIT-059.


View solution in original post

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