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The demo executable I have created seems to be running okay, but every now and then it gets stuck in a forever loop. It ran about 3 hours this morning before exhibiting the problem. It took as little as 15 minutes one time almost 8 hours another time. When it stops, the console terminal window shows:  “MML: [ERROR]  : ..\..\..\..\02_driver\basic_graphics\source\kernel\src\gccgfx_kinterrupt.c:(356): CmdSeq reported error!”

After this, it seems to be stuck down the CyGfx_DispCommit function and never returns. The Queue handling seems to think the queue is never empty.

Here is the stack:

I looked here in the Cypress community website and did not see any reported issues which seem related to this.

I have the CYTVII-C-2D-6M-CPU Traveo II evaluation board and I am using v0e60 graphics library and SDK with GHS Multi 7.1.4 and Compiler v2017.1.4.

I noticed a new release (v1e00), but the configuration was the 4MB and I had some difficulty getting this setup to work to date.

I have talked with a colleague who had noticed a similar issue on his setup in the past.

Please let me know any additional questions or thoughts on this issue.

Thanks in advance,

5 Replies
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Hello GaMi_4780271

Have you set the CyGfx_ConfigSetAttribute() to Non Block? You could set the CYGFX_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_NOBLOCK to 1 and check if the function returns a busy error.

Also the call stack image seems to have been missed, could you share it again.





Thank you for the feedback!

I have set to Non Block and it has been running for almost 4 hours now. It takes a long time to trigger the failure sometimes, so I will let it run over the weekend and keep an eye on it. I have it set to display a message to the terminal console if an error occurs. I have not seen an error yet.

Sorry the stack image did not get included earlier. Please find it below (trimmed to only show the failure area):



The error tripped this weekend and the same error was provided:

MML: [ERROR]  : ..\..\..\..\02_driver\basic_graphics\source\kernel\src\gccgfx_kinterrupt.c:(356): CmdSeq reported error!

After this interrupt/error, there is no return from the call to CyGfx_DispCommit().

I wonder if  it is possible to get the gccgfx_kinterrupt.c file so I can more easily see this line of code and put a break point in it.

I set the MML_GDC_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_NONBLOCK to 1 in one last place.

It is in a call when opening the window and get a different error on the console terminal:

IRIS: 0x2100100b

IRIS: 0x2100100b

MML: [ERROR]  : ..\..\..\..\02_driver\basic_graphics\source\user\hw\gccgfx_cmdseq.c:(719): (): Not enough space in FIFO !!!

The error happens pretty quickly and is more repeatable than the other error. Here is the call stack:


100 sign-ins 50 sign-ins 25 replies posted

Hello GaMi_4780271,

Thank you for providing the images. I am looking into this and will revert to you.

Could you provide a general description of what your application is designed to do?

Could you kindly also share your memory_map.ld file?




Thanks again Michael for the follow up.

The application is Automotive cluster with a 1280x480 display.

Is there an option to provide me the gccgfx_kinterrupt.c file?

Here is the memory_map.ld file contents:

/* __DISCLAIMER_START__                                                      */


* (c) 2014-2020, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation

* or a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights

* reserved.


* This software, including source code, documentation and related

* materials ( "Software" ), is owned by Cypress Semiconductor

* Corporation or one of its subsidiaries ( "Cypress" ) and is protected by

* and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),

* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.

* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license

* agreement accompanying the software package from which you

* obtained this Software ( "EULA" ).


* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, nonexclusive,

* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the

* Software source code solely for use in connection with Cypress' s

* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,

* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified

* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.






* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make

* changes to the Software without notice. Cypress does not assume any

* liability arising out of the application or use of the Software or any

* product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does not

* authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or

* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in

* significant property damage, injury or death ( "High Risk Product" ). By

* including Cypress' s product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer

* of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing

* so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.


/* __DISCLAIMER_END__                                                        */


// Only 1MB of non-contiguous flash memory is available in PSVP and we use following hard-coded assignment for now

// IMPORTANT: only change the "code_flash" related definitions below if you know what you are doing

// CM0+  :: 0x10000000 to 0x1003ffff (256 KB)

// CM7_0 :: 0x10040000 to 0x1007ffff (256 KB)

// CM7_1 :: 0x102f8000 to 0x10377fff (512 KB)

// In addition there are 2x 64 KB (0x105F0000-0x105fffff, 0x10610000-0x1061ffff) small sectors available, but will not be used by linker file.

// Please note:

// The whole SRAM area of this device consists of several SRAM areas (SRAM0, 1, ...) each having

// its own SRAM controller. Please check the device datasheet for the exact memory to SRAM controller distribution.

// For achieving the best CM7 performance it is recommended - if possible - to ensure that data with temporal

// locality (e.g. data belonging to one task) does not span multiple SRAM controllers. Otherwise a stalling of AXI

// transactions may occur, if they are originating from the same CM7 AXI transaction ID to different SRAM controllers.

// Check that necessary definitions are available

#if ((!defined(_LINK_flash_)) && (!defined(_LINK_sram_)))

  #error "Link location not defined or not supported!"


#if ((!defined(_CORE_cm0plus_)) && (!defined(_CORE_cm7_0_)) && (!defined(_CORE_cm7_1_)))

  #error "Target core not defined or not supported!"



// Following symbol and memory area definitions are used by linker_directives.ld




    // Cypress CAN/LIN Bootloader uses 512B at start of SRAM. This may cause issues in case of RAM build configurations, therefore this area shall be reserved.

  #if defined(_LINK_sram_)

    sram_start_reserve = 512


    sram_start_reserve = 0



    //                              USER CONFIGURATION



    // Specify how much SRAM and CODE_FLASH (starting from the first address of the respective memory) shall

    // be used by CM0+ application and CM7_0 application, the rest of the memory will be automatically assigned to CM7_1 application

    cm0plus_sram_reserve       =   60K - sram_start_reserve

    cm0plus_code_flash_reserve =   32K   // minimum required

    cm7_1_sram_reserve         =  512

    cm7_1_code_flash_reserve   =  32K



    // Specify stack and heap sizes for CM0+, CM7_0 and CM7_1 application independently

    cm0plus_heap_reserve       = 1K

    cm0plus_stack_reserve      = 1K


    cm7_0_heap_reserve         = 200K

    cm7_0_stack_reserve        = 40K


    cm7_1_heap_reserve         = 1K

    cm7_1_stack_reserve        = 1K




    // Constants

    sram_total_size            = 640K

    code_flash_total_size      = 6336K


    cm0plus_intvec_alignment   = 256

    cm7_intvec_alignment       = 128


    ecc_init_width             = 8   // Most restrictive native ECC width of all "normal" memories (SRAM, DTCM, ITCM) in any Traveo II derivate is used to keep the code generic

    sram_used_by_boot          = 4K  // Used during boot by Cypress firmware (content will be overwritten on reset, so it should not be used for loadable sections in case of RAM build configurations)

    sram_private_for_srom      = 2K  // Private SRAM for SROM (e.g. API processing)


  #if defined(_LINK_sram_)

    // Subtract 'sram_used_by_boot' beause content will be overwritten on reset, so it should not be used for loadable sections of RAM build configurations, which are only downloaded once by debugger)

    // Note: Could be removed if you ensure that no loadable section types (e.g. .text or .rodata) would be linked to this area

    sram_total_size_user       = sram_total_size - sram_start_reserve - sram_private_for_srom - sram_used_by_boot


    // Please note that 'sram_used_by_boot' is not subtracted from total size, but will have to be considered if certain sections need to preserve their content over a boot cycle

    sram_total_size_user       = sram_total_size - sram_start_reserve - sram_private_for_srom



    // Calculation of SRAM distribution among all cores

    cm0plus_sram_offset        = sram_start_reserve


    cm7_0_sram_offset          = cm0plus_sram_offset + cm0plus_sram_reserve

    // Uses the remaining space from CM0+ and CM7_1

    cm7_0_sram_reserve         = sram_total_size_user - cm0plus_sram_reserve - cm7_1_sram_reserve


    cm7_1_sram_offset          = cm7_0_sram_offset + cm7_0_sram_reserve


    // Calculation of CODE_FLASH distribution among all cores

    cm0plus_code_flash_offset  = 0


    cm7_0_code_flash_offset    = cm0plus_code_flash_offset + cm0plus_code_flash_reserve

    // Uses the remaining space from CM0+ and CM7_1

    cm7_0_code_flash_reserve   = code_flash_total_size - cm0plus_code_flash_reserve - cm7_1_code_flash_reserve


    cm7_1_code_flash_offset    = cm7_0_code_flash_offset + cm7_0_code_flash_reserve

    // Map core dependent definition to generic name for memory and section definition

  #if defined(_CORE_cm0plus_)

    self_itcm_size             = 0

    self_dtcm_size             = 0

    heap_reserve               = cm0plus_heap_reserve

    stack_reserve              = (cm0plus_stack_reserve + (ecc_init_width - 1)) & (~((ecc_init_width - 1))) // Ensure that stack size is an integer multiple of ECC init width (round up)

    sram_offset                = cm0plus_sram_offset

    sram_reserve               = cm0plus_sram_reserve

    code_flash_offset          = cm0plus_code_flash_offset

    code_flash_reserve         = cm0plus_code_flash_reserve

    intvec_alignment           = cm0plus_intvec_alignment


  #elif defined(_CORE_cm7_0_)

    self_itcm_size             = 64K

    self_dtcm_size             = 64K

    heap_reserve               = cm7_0_heap_reserve

    stack_reserve              = (cm7_0_stack_reserve + (ecc_init_width - 1)) & (~((ecc_init_width - 1))) // Ensure that stack size is an integer multiple of ECC init width (round up)

    sram_offset                = cm7_0_sram_offset

    sram_reserve               = cm7_0_sram_reserve

    code_flash_offset          = cm7_0_code_flash_offset

    code_flash_reserve         = cm7_0_code_flash_reserve

    intvec_alignment           = cm7_intvec_alignment


  #elif defined(_CORE_cm7_1_)

    self_itcm_size             = 64K

    self_dtcm_size             = 64K

    heap_reserve               = cm7_1_heap_reserve

    stack_reserve              = (cm7_1_stack_reserve + (ecc_init_width - 1)) & (~((ecc_init_width - 1))) // Ensure that stack size is an integer multiple of ECC init width (round up)

    sram_offset                = cm7_1_sram_offset 

    sram_reserve               = cm7_1_sram_reserve

    code_flash_offset          = cm7_1_code_flash_offset

    code_flash_reserve         = cm7_1_code_flash_reserve

    intvec_alignment           = cm7_intvec_alignment





    SELF_ITCM            : ORIGIN = 0x00000000,                     LENGTH = self_itcm_size

    CODE_FLASH           : ORIGIN = 0x10000000 + code_flash_offset, LENGTH = code_flash_reserve

    WORK_FLASH           : ORIGIN = 0x14000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00040000         //  256 KB

    SFLASH               : ORIGIN = 0x17000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00008000         //   32 KB

    SFLASH_ALT           : ORIGIN = 0x17800000,                     LENGTH = 0x00008000         //   32 KB

    SELF_DTCM            : ORIGIN = 0x20000000,                     LENGTH = self_dtcm_size

    VRAM                 : ORIGIN = 0x24000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00400000         //    4 MB

    SRAM                 : ORIGIN = 0x28000000 + sram_offset,       LENGTH = sram_reserve

    SMIF_MEMMAPPED       : ORIGIN = 0x60000000,                     LENGTH = 0x08000000         //  128 MB

    SMIF1_MEMMAPPED      : ORIGIN = 0x90000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00200000         //  2MB of 8 MB HyperRAM e-mail from Christian Eyrich (Cypress)

    ALTIA_EXTERNAL_RAM   : ORIGIN = 0x90200000,                     LENGTH = 0x00500000         //  5MB of 8 MB HyperRAM e-mail from Christian Eyrich (Cypress)

    ALTIA_HEAP           : ORIGIN = 0x90700000,                     LENGTH = 0x00100000         //  1MB of 8 MB HyperRAM e-mail from Christian Eyrich (Cypress)

    CM7_0_ITCM           : ORIGIN = 0xa0000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00010000         //   64 KB

    CM7_0_DTCM           : ORIGIN = 0xa0010000,                     LENGTH = 0x00010000         //   64 KB

    CM7_1_ITCM           : ORIGIN = 0xa0100000,                     LENGTH = 0x00010000         //   64 KB

    CM7_1_DTCM           : ORIGIN = 0xa0110000,                     LENGTH = 0x00010000         //   64 KB
