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Distributor - Marubun (Japan)
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This time I tried to create a simple(?) sample for 8x8 LED using CY8CKIT-149.

Note: I have detached the wings of CY8CKIT-149 to use more pins.

今回は CY8CKIT-149 (PSoC 4100S Plus) を使用して 8x8 マトリクス LED を動かすサンプルを作ってみました。

※ 私の CY8CKIT-149 は羽 (CapSense) の部分は取り外して、ピンソケットが付けてあります。


I purchased the Matrix LED (8x8) from Akizuki

マトリクス LED は秋月から購入した下記のものを使用しています。

赤色ドットマトリクスLED 8×8ドット OSL641501−ARA: LED(発光ダイオード) 秋月電子通商-電子部品・ネット通販

The COLS and ROWS connection are

LED のピン配置は下記の様に COL と ROW になっています。


The schematic / 回路図


PINS / ピン配置


The program has a frame buffer wannabe


uint8_t led[NUM_LED_ROW][NUM_LED_COL] ;

If USE_TICK in the beginning of the program is 1 then CySysTick (1ms) is used for the periodical interrupt

or Timer (100/1MHz = 0.1ms) interval is used. Although with SysTick we can save a Timer, but the flicker was bad...

プログラムの先頭で USE_TICK を 1 と定義すると、定期割込みに CySysTick (1ms) を使用します、

もしくは Timer を使用して 0.1ms の定期割込みを行わせています。 CySysTick を使用すると

Timer を一つ節約できるのですが、8x8 マトリクスでは、チラツキが多くてあまりお勧めではありませんでした。

Also if USE_UART is defined as 1, then UART (serial out) is used to show current output pattern

また、プログラムの先頭で USE_UART を 1 と定義するとシリアル出力に現在のパターンが出力されます。




#include "project.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#define USE_TICK 0

#define USE_UART 1

#define NUM_LED_COL 8

#define NUM_LED_ROW 8

volatile int led_row = 0 ;

volatile int led_col = 0 ;

uint8_t led[NUM_LED_ROW][NUM_LED_COL] = { 0u } ;




    Timer_ClearInterrupt(Timer_INTR_MASK_TC) ;



    int R, C ;

    C = (led[led_row][led_col]) ? 1 : 0 ;

    R = (C) ? 0 : 1 ;

    switch(led_row) {

    case 0:  ROW_1_Write(R);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 1:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(R);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 2:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(R);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 3:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(R);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 4:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(R);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 5:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(R);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 6:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(R);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 7:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(R);break;

    default: ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;


    switch(led_col) {

    case 0:  COL_1_Write(C);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(0);break ;

    case 1:  COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(C);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(0);break ;

    case 2:  COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(C);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(0);break ;

    case 3:  COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(C);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(0);break ;

    case 4:  COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(C);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(0);break ;

    case 5:  COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(C);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(0);break ;

    case 6:  COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(C);COL_8_Write(0);break ;

    case 7:  COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(C);break ;

    default: COL_1_Write(0);COL_2_Write(0);COL_3_Write(0);COL_4_Write(0);COL_5_Write(0);COL_6_Write(0);COL_7_Write(0);COL_8_Write(0);break ;


    led_col++ ;

    if (led_col >= NUM_LED_COL) {

        led_col = 0 ;

        led_row = (led_row + 1) % NUM_LED_ROW ;




#define STR_LEN 64

char str[STR_LEN+1] ;

void print(char *str)


    UART_UartPutString(str) ;


void cls(void)


    print("\033c") ; /* reset */

    CyDelay(20) ;

    print("\033[2J") ; /* clear screen */

    CyDelay(20) ;


void splash(void)


    cls() ;

    print("SEG LED Test") ;

    snprintf(str, STR_LEN, "(%s %s)\n", __DATE__, __TIME__) ;

    print(str) ;


void dump_value(void)


    int c, r ;


    cls() ;


    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            if (led) {

                print("*") ;

            } else {

                print("-") ;



        print("\n") ;




void init_hardware(void)


    CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Enable global interrupts. */


    UART_Start() ;

    splash() ;



    CySysTickStart() ;

    CySysTickSetCallback(0, seg_led_isr) ;


    isr_1_ClearPending() ;

    isr_1_StartEx(seg_led_isr) ;


    Timer_Start() ;



void all_clear(void)


    int c, r ;

    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            led = 0 ;




void draw_h_bar(int p)


    int c, r ;

    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            if (r == p) {

                led = 1 ;

            } else {

                led = 0 ;





void draw_v_bar(int p)


    int c, r ;

    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            if (c == p) {

                led = 1 ;

            } else {

                led = 0 ;





int main(void)


    int x, y ;


    init_hardware() ;




        all_clear() ;


        dump_value() ;


        for (x = 0 ; x < NUM_LED_COL ; x++ ) {

            draw_v_bar(x) ;


            dump_value() ;


            CyDelay(1000) ;


        for (y = 0 ; y < NUM_LED_ROW ; y++) {

            draw_h_bar(y) ;


            dump_value() ;


            CyDelay(1000) ;





In this sample, only horizontal line and vertical line is displayed and moved each seconds,

you can assign any pattern to led[][] in the loop of main() and the update of display will be taken care of

by the interrupt service routine.


main() のループ内で led[][] のパターンを書き変えるだけで、

そのパターンは自動的に割込み処理ルーチンにより マトリクスLEDに表示されます。


5 Replies
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Is this an RGB panel? Can it change LEDs brightness?

It can be useful for making a MIDI synth panel.


Level 9
Level 9
Distributor - Marubun (Japan)
First comment on blog Beta tester First comment on KBA

Dear /odissey1-san,

I love the calling "Motor" (lol)

And that is a good question!

Until this morning I did not know about color led segment and matrix driver for PSoC 3 and 5LP.


The one I used was a $2.00 plain vanilla red-color LED.

But as I searched there are 8x8 color ones, they seem to be about 10x more expensive though.

I made this sample, as one of our customer was going to need it.

To support color, basically making the matrix to 8x8x3 or use each item in the array as value instead of on/off.

For the brightness, as I'm not using hardware component, if PSoC can catch up with much higher speed loop

we should be able to make it. (I hope that we can)

Anyway thank you for your idea(s) about more challenging theme 😉

Best Regards,


Motoo Tanaka



I apologise for misspelling. It is now corrected. The autocorrection function sometimes leads to embarrassing results.


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Level 9
Level 9
Distributor - Marubun (Japan)
First comment on blog Beta tester First comment on KBA

Dear odissey1-san,

So yesterday, one of my colleague had a chance to make a round trip to Akihabara,

I asked him to grab one of these color matrix LEDs for me.

昨日、同僚が秋葉原へ行く用事があったので、ついでにカラーマトリクス LED をゲットしてもらいました。

  RGBフルカラードットマトリクスLED 8×8ドット OSL642372−ARGB: LED(発光ダイオード) 秋月電子通商-電子部品・ネット通販

Although in their web the LED seems to be almost identical with the mono-color one,

the size was different.



By the way, the most challenging part of this project was

finding usable pin(s) and connect them physically one by one

I felt like I was weaving a basket >_<



ほとんど籠(かご)を編んでいるような感じでした >_<


Anyway, I modified my project as below

Note: I used only 1 timer, so the CPU needed to work harder.

  If this was PSoC 42xx, I would have used UDB ...

Although I thought I was also working on gradation it's not quite working,

may be, I must think more later...


※ タイマーを一つしか使用していないので、ソフトウェア側の仕事が多くなっています。

 PSoC 42xx シリーズを使っていたら、UDB で対応したい案件ですね・・・









#include "project.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#define USE_TICK 0

#define USE_UART 0

#define NUM_LED_RES 16

#define NUM_LED_COL 8

#define NUM_LED_ROW 8

volatile int     led_row  = NUM_LED_ROW-1 ;

volatile int     led_col  = NUM_LED_COL-1 ;

volatile uint8_t phase = NUM_LED_RES ;

uint8_t led[NUM_LED_ROW][NUM_LED_COL][3] = { 0u } ;




    Timer_ClearInterrupt(Timer_INTR_MASK_TC) ;


    int R, G, B, C ;

    if (phase >= NUM_LED_RES) {

        phase = 0 ;

        led_col++ ;

        if (led_col >= NUM_LED_COL) {

            led_col = 0 ;

            led_row = (led_row + 1) % NUM_LED_ROW ;



        R = (phase < led[led_row][led_col][0]) ? 1 : 0 ;

        G = (phase < led[led_row][led_col][1]) ? 1 : 0 ;

        B = (phase < led[led_row][led_col][2]) ? 1 : 0 ;

        C = (R || G || B) ? 0 : 1 ;


    switch(led_row) {

    case 0:  ROW_1_Write(C);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 1:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(C);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 2:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(C);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 3:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(C);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 4:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(C);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 5:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(C);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 6:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(C);ROW_8_Write(1);break;

    case 7:  ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(C);break;

    default: ROW_1_Write(1);ROW_2_Write(1);ROW_3_Write(1);ROW_4_Write(1);ROW_5_Write(1);ROW_6_Write(1);ROW_7_Write(1);ROW_8_Write(1);break;



    switch(led_col) {

    case 0: COLR_1_Write(R);COLR_2_Write(0);COLR_3_Write(0);COLR_4_Write(0);COLR_5_Write(0);COLR_6_Write(0);COLR_7_Write(0);COLR_8_Write(0);


            COLB_1_Write(B);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(0);break ;


    case 1: COLR_1_Write(0);COLR_2_Write(R);COLR_3_Write(0);COLR_4_Write(0);COLR_5_Write(0);COLR_6_Write(0);COLR_7_Write(0);COLR_8_Write(0);


            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(B);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(0);break ;


    case 2: COLR_1_Write(0);COLR_2_Write(0);COLR_3_Write(R);COLR_4_Write(0);COLR_5_Write(0);COLR_6_Write(0);COLR_7_Write(0);COLR_8_Write(0);


            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(B);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(0);break ;       

    case 3: COLR_1_Write(0);COLR_2_Write(0);COLR_3_Write(0);COLR_4_Write(R);COLR_5_Write(0);COLR_6_Write(0);COLR_7_Write(0);COLR_8_Write(0);


            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(B);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(0);break ;


    case 4: COLR_1_Write(0);COLR_2_Write(0);COLR_3_Write(0);COLR_4_Write(0);COLR_5_Write(R);COLR_6_Write(0);COLR_7_Write(0);COLR_8_Write(0);


            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(B);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(0);break ;             


    case 5: COLR_1_Write(0);COLR_2_Write(0);COLR_3_Write(0);COLR_4_Write(0);COLR_5_Write(0);COLR_6_Write(R);COLR_7_Write(0);COLR_8_Write(0);


            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(B);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(0);break ;


    case 6: COLR_1_Write(0);COLR_2_Write(0);COLR_3_Write(0);COLR_4_Write(0);COLR_5_Write(0);COLR_6_Write(0);COLR_7_Write(R);COLR_8_Write(0);


            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(B);COLB_8_Write(0);break ; 


    case 7: COLR_1_Write(0);COLR_2_Write(0);COLR_3_Write(0);COLR_4_Write(0);COLR_5_Write(0);COLR_6_Write(0);COLR_7_Write(0);COLR_8_Write(R);


            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(B);break ;




            COLB_1_Write(0);COLB_2_Write(0);COLB_3_Write(0);COLB_4_Write(0);COLB_5_Write(0);COLB_6_Write(0);COLB_7_Write(0);COLB_8_Write(0);break ; 



    phase++ ;



#define STR_LEN 64

char str[STR_LEN+1] ;

void print(char *str)


    UART_UartPutString(str) ;


void cls(void)


    print("\033c") ; /* reset */

    CyDelay(20) ;

    print("\033[2J") ; /* clear screen */

    CyDelay(20) ;


void splash(void)


    cls() ;

    print("SEG LED Test") ;

    snprintf(str, STR_LEN, "(%s %s)\n", __DATE__, __TIME__) ;

    print(str) ;


void dump_value(void)


    int c, r, p ;


    cls() ;


    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            for (p = 0 ; p < 3 ; p++ ) {

                if (led

) {

                    print("*") ;

                } else {

                    print("-") ;




        print("\n") ;




void init_hardware(void)


    CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Enable global interrupts. */


    UART_Start() ;

    splash() ;



    CySysTickStart() ;

    CySysTickSetCallback(0, seg_led_isr) ;


    isr_1_ClearPending() ;

    isr_1_StartEx(seg_led_isr) ;


    Timer_Start() ;



void all_clear(void)


    int c, r, color ;

    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            for (color = 0 ; color < 3 ; color++ ) {

                led[color] = 0 ;





void draw_h_bar(int p)


    int c, r ;

    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            if (r == p) {

                led[0] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

                led[1] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

                led[2] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

            } else {

                led[0] = 0 ;

                led[1] = 0 ;

                led[2] = 0 ;





void draw_v_bar(int p)


    int c, r ;

    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            if (c == p) {

                led[0] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

                led[1] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

                led[2] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

            } else {

                led[0] = 0 ;

                led[1] = 0 ;

                led[2] = 0 ;





void draw_color_bar(int offset_x, int offset_y)


    int x, y, i, j ;


    for (j = 0 ; j < NUM_LED_ROW ; j++ ) {

        y = (j + offset_y) % NUM_LED_ROW ;

        for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_LED_COL ; i++ ) {

            x = (i + offset_x) % NUM_LED_COL ;

            if (j & 0x01) {

                led[0] = NUM_LED_RES * (i+1) / NUM_LED_COL ;              


            if (j & 0x02) {

                led[1] = NUM_LED_RES * (i+1) / NUM_LED_COL ;        


            if (j & 0x04) {

                led[2] = NUM_LED_RES * (i+1) / NUM_LED_COL ;       





void draw_pixel(int x, int y)


    int c, r ;

    for (r = 0 ; r < NUM_LED_ROW ; r++ ) {

        for (c = 0 ; c < NUM_LED_COL ; c++ ) {

            if ((c == x)&&(r == y)) {

                led[0] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

                led[1] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

                led[2] = NUM_LED_RES/4 ;

            } else {

                led[0] = 0 ;

                led[1] = 0 ;

                led[2] = 0 ;





int main(void)


    int x, y ;


    init_hardware() ;




        all_clear() ;


        dump_value() ;


        for (x = 0 ; x < NUM_LED_COL ; x++ ) {

            draw_v_bar(x) ;


            dump_value() ;


            CyDelay(50) ;


        for (y = 0 ; y < NUM_LED_ROW ; y++) {

            draw_h_bar(y) ;


            dump_value() ;


            CyDelay(50) ;


        for (y = 0 ; y < NUM_LED_ROW ; y++ ) {

            for (x = 0 ; x < NUM_LED_COL ; x++ ) {

                all_clear() ;

                draw_color_bar(x, y) ;

                CyDelay(10) ;



        CyDelay(1000) ;




Attached is the project and an iPhone movie

添付はプロジェクトと iPhone のムービーです。

Best Regards,


Motoo Tanaka



Interesting video! I once programmed a matrix of RGB LEDs, driven by SPI. From that experience, the hardest part was to make it output something reasonable, like geometric patters or color splash, which would require using of external software for development of color sequences (like Jason, etc.). That's where my patience had exhausted.


PS. I like Akihabara, spent there endless hours browsing through the labirinth of small shops. Build my first PC there from parts (486x?), cost me almost $2k back then. And got Orange Pecoe hot tee from vending machine on way back to Ikebukoro. Sweet days!